A Year of Existential Doubt – Children / Ár af lífsefa – Börn

The performance Children took place at The Bed is The Stage, event in Berlin live broadcasted on the web TV of Pizza Suicide Club.

A person sitting on a coal oven, facing the rooms corner, holds up a huge ball with her head. She whispers in Icelandic: Börn, barnabörn, barnabarnabörn, barnabarnabarnabörn, barnabarnabarnabarnabörn. In English: Children, children of children (grand children), children of children’s children’s (grand grand children)…. and so on.

Sound recording from the performance can be heard below:


Gjörningurinn Börn var framinn á viðburðinum The Bed is The Stage í Berlín sem var sendur út í beinni á netsjónvarpinu Pizza Suicide Club.

Manneskja situr út í horni upp á kolaofni og heldur uppi með höfðinu stórum gráum bolta. Hún hvíslar/hvæsir í sífellu á íslensku: Börn, barnabörn, barnabarnabörn, barnabarnabarnabörn, barnabarnabarnabarnabörn.

Hljóðupptaka frá gjörningnum er hér: